$32,051 raised
$120,000 goal

Join "Team Star" and launch your own fundraising campaign to support Dollar A Day's projects.

You can make them shine!



Making a difference is exciting!

Sustainable change in the lives of the poor requires careful preparation and a dedicated group of donors who are regular and reliable. Thankfully, you are not alone in your quest. It’s incredible what TEAM STAR can achieve! Discover a variety of Dollar A Day projects to help you design your own personalised fundraising strategies.

How it Works?

Simple steps to get started

Joining TEAM STAR is simple. If you follow these instructions, you’ll be on your way to helping the poor and disadvantaged in a sustainable way.

The Most Recent

Support our projects

Simple steps to get started

What you can do with TEAM STAR is astounding! Discover a variety of Dollar A Day projects to help you create your own individual fundraising approach.

Fundraising ideas

How to Successfully Implement a Campaign

A successful fundraising effort requires a strong desire. You can perform incredible things by following a few easy steps. The Dollar A Day team will always assist you to make it a success.

1. Pick your favourite project.

2. Establish your goals.

3. Engage your target audience.

4. Distribute and promote your campaign.