A sustainable project that can change an orphan’s life forever for the good better ان شاء الله
A Sustainable Orphan Sponsorship Program
With your support, Dollar A Day will help an orphan/s kid’s caretaking family by providing three female goats.
It is projected that within two years, the goat population will increase from 18 to 27.
Dollar a Day will bear the cost of vaccination and other treatments for the goats for a maximum of two years from the initiation of the project.
Each orphan’s caregiving family is expected to become self-sufficient entrepreneurs capable of providing long-term educational financing for the children they care for.
Dollar A Day’s Orphan Sponsorship Project aims to provide a sustainable means of improving the lives of orphans in Bangladesh. Instead of handing the money directly to the caregivers (could be grandfather, grandmother, aunt, uncle, relatives, etc) of the orphans, we purchase and hand them goats – the poor man’s cows- so that they can start goat farming and ensure sustainable financial growth that will provide long-term solutions to the nutritional, educational, and other needs of the unfortunate children.
This is an investment with one of the highest returns from Allah SWT.
One: You will be close to the Prophet Muhammad (saw)
Two: You will have ‘the best house’
Three: You will be among the righteous people
Four: Your wealth will be blessed
Five: It’s an excellent way to pay Zakat!
Six: You will earn the food of Jannah
Seven: It is a Sadaqah Jariyah unlike any other!
Eight: There is so much barakah in orphan sponsorship!
Nine: You will enter Jannah through the gate of Joy
Ten: You will be saving lives.
Please Support This Campaign
There is no minimum for the donation. Please don’t leave the page without giving a smile to an orphan. May Allah accept our good deeds.

Recent Donors
$30.00 -
musa kishan
$250.00 -
$15.00 -